Monday, October 8, 2012

Oscar award winner Sukhwinder Singh to perform at The Yoga Institute, Santacruz

Oscar (Academy) award winner Sukhwinder Singh will be rendering devotional songs on Tuesday, October 9, 2012, between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm at The Yoga Institute, Shri Yogendra Marg, Prabhat Colony, next to Santacruz station. Sukhwinder Singh will bring along several famous musicians with his orchestra to the oldest organized Yoga centre in the world as a tribute to the Yogendra family. Entry is free for all people who are interested. For more information call: The Yoga Institute: 022-26110506, 022-26122185

About The Yoga Institute

Located in an acre of lush greenery, the Institute is an oasis of peace in the middle of the hustle-bustle of Mumbai city. The simplicity, sincerity and non commercial angle of the Institute draws many people from across the world and today more than a thousand people come to the Institute daily. The courses offered here include Health camps for several health conditions like cardiac problems and hypertension, respiratory problems, diabetes, orthopaedic conditions and stress related problems, etc. The Institute caters to people from the womb to the tomb as the courses offer guidance for harmony in marital life, pregnancy ante natal and post natal classes are held, as are children's classes, including some for teenagers and then right into adult life. Some personal growth workshops foster on the concepts of self development, concentration, relaxation, mind and memory Training. These topics are based on the Samkhya principles of the Bhavas or attitudes, which have to be inculcated for a healthy state. Many find succour, guidance and help at the Institute, while others find their experiences as life changing at this Institute founded in 1918.